News & Events
Helping Children Deal with Frightening Events
Please click here to a useful leaflet which has been designed to help adults understand how children and young people might react to frightening events, and to give some ideas of what might help. Further copies are available from www.traumaticstress.org.uk
Coffee Mornings - Summer Term 2024
Our summer term coffee mornings will be held on 1st May, 5th June and 3rd July from 9am - 10am at Plot 10
The Curly Hair Project​
What is the CHP?
“I love the curly hair project. It’s helped me understand what ASD means far more than any other source.”
ASD causes difficulty ‘reading’ others and understanding social interaction. Most work so far is on the male presentation – the different challenges for females are just starting to be explored.
The curly hair project (CHP) is a social enterprise with worldwide appeal dedicated to supporting females with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) and other autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Here is a brief overview of the CHP business model.
Please click here for more information.
The International Swimming Academy... are fully qualified to teach autistic, Down syndrome children, cerebral palsy and some others disabilities or conditions. They have combined the more effective of the worldwide programs to achieve the best results on all their students. Please get in touch with them to discuss if they have a way to create a bespoke program to suit your particular needs.
At Christopher Place they helped an autistic boy to not only enjoy swimming lessons but also to swim successfully. Both mum and child look forward to lessons each week and are grateful to have found International Swimming Academy.
Visit their website at http://internationalswimmingacademy.com/