The Admissions department is now closed for the Summer Holidays.
Please do email us before this date if you wish and we will respond once we return after
9th September '24.
Local Authorities please re send all consultations after 9th September '24.
For families already within our admissions system, please do contact us via the admissions email address or the main school office - 0208 946 7348.
Children are accepted at Blossom House only after careful assessment, to ensure that we are the right provision. Usually the initial enquiry is made by parents, but occasionally referrals come from Local Authorities, whether on the parents’ or their own behalf. A child does not need to have an EHCP before being assessed by the school; however parents should be aware that the EHCP process can be protracted and complicated. Some year groups become very oversubscribed & places can only be held open for six months, In order to assess whether Blossom House might be a suitable provision, we have a two-stage assessment process.
Initial Assessments
The Initial Assessments take approximately 45 minutes, and are an opportunity for parents to see around the school and discuss their child and their concerns with a senior member of staff, while one of our Speech and Language Therapists spends time with the child. This is an informal session (playing games or talking) and not a formal assessment. From this, it will usually be possible to tell whether we might be the right provision, and if this is the case we will invite the child back for a more in-depth assessment where they will spend time in the school provision and follow the school timetable with their year group.
School Trial Assessment
Your child will be invited to spend time at Blossom House School with his/her age group. The length of the visit will depend on the age of the child as follows:
Two to three days (Primary & Secondary)
Two to three mornings (Foundation Stage).
Occasionally we may ask the child to come for a longer assessment period.
This visit will involve observations made within different contexts and may also involve formalised assessment.
A decision will be made on whether the school can meet the needs of the child, and this outcome will be put in writing. A full report is available upon request and the fee for this is £750 paid in advance.
More detailed information can be found in our admissions policy here: POLICY
Additionally, the admissions pathway also provides more detail regarding the admissions process and timeframes involved here: PATHWAY
Please don’t hesitate to ring the school for more information or to discuss your child with our admissions team.
​Please contact:
eusadmissions@blossomhouseschool.co.uk or by ringing 02073833834 and speak to Maria Florea
Please contact us by emailing
mpadmissions@blossomhouseschool.co.uk or by ringing the school to speak to Liz Mayo or Clare Wells 0208 879 9901.
We do not charge families for an assessment at Blossom House School. As part of the assessment, we will issue an outcome letter.
However, if you require a full detailed report, following the assessment, there is a £750 fee for this service.
Please let us know if you will require a report, prior to your child’s school visit, or no later than 2 weeks following their assessment.